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Green energy

Guarantees of Origin (GOs) are digital certificates created in parallel with each MWh of green electricity. GOs are issued by the respective national institution and confirm that each GO bought by the end consumer of electricity is produced from a renewable energy source.

The buyers of GOs are thus able to show their stakeholders the official documentation/certificate that they support the green transition for the same amount of MWh of electricity they bought the GOs for.


A Guarantee of Origin is an EU certification that verifies a specific quantity of electricity is generated at a designated power facility. This voluntary program empowers businesses to choose between renewable and non-renewable electricity sources. 

As electricity cannot be physically labeled with this information, tracking is managed through certificates registered via a reliable electronic system for each megawatt-hour (MWh) of power generated. On the market, electricity and renewable energy certificates are traded separately. 

By procuring these certificates alongside their electricity purchases, businesses and suppliers acquire tangible proof of utilizing renewable energy. This enables them to align with their preferences, achieve sustainability objectives, and meet regulatory requirements. 


A Guarantee of Origin is an EU certification that verifies a specific quantity of electricity is generated at a designated power facility. This voluntary program empowers businesses to choose between renewable and non-renewable electricity sources. 

As electricity cannot be physically labeled with this information, tracking is managed through certificates registered via a reliable electronic system for each megawatt-hour (MWh) of power generated. On the market, electricity and renewable energy certificates are traded separately. 

By procuring these certificates alongside their electricity purchases, businesses and suppliers acquire tangible proof of utilizing renewable energy. This enables them to align with their preferences, achieve sustainability objectives, and meet regulatory requirements. 

Our solutions

For Power Producers
Green energy certificates represent an additional source of revenue for customers. Along with the revenue from electricity, the producers of electricity from renewable resources are also eligible to earn additional revenue from the sale of GOs.
For RES Investors, Industry and Public sector
With Green energy certificates, customers acquire tangible proof of utilizing renewable energy. This also demonstrates to their stakeholders that they support green transition.

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