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For renewable energy sources investors

Supporting your investments in renewable energy production assets either as a partner or co-investor

At Interenergo, we offer support to investors in renewable energy power plants through two avenues: either by purchasing the produced electricity through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), or by serving as a partner and co-investor in your renewable energy asset.

Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) bring needed security and stability to renewable energy assets

A power purchase agreement (PPA) is a contract between two parties where one party sells electricity from renewable sources and/or renewable energy certificates (RECs) to another party.

PPAs can take many forms and are structured to mitigate different kinds of risks based on the needs of the seller and buyer.

What are the benefits of cooperating with Interenergo?

  • Well-established trading infrastructure and our own analytical models.
  • Experienced team, committed to professional cooperation and long-term partnership.
  • Proven track record with numerous successful and long-term partnerships.
  • Guiding our partners step-by-step through the challenges of dynamic and evolving energy markets.

Are you exploring opportunities to include a co-investor or seeking a potential buyer for your renewable energy asset?

While investing in renewable energy presents various opportunities for environmental conservation and sustainable economic growth, it also brings challenges. Investors frequently seek partners for co-investment opportunities and professional support. Investors sometimes decide to disinvest - seek for a buyer of renewable energy assets. 

At Interenergo, we are committed to expanding our renewable energy portfolio in the upcoming years in Southeastern Europe. With an ambition to grow our presence in wind and solar energy production, we intend to invest in more than 300 MW of additional renewable energy capacity, which will, along with the existing infrastructure, generate more than 850 GWh of electricity annually

Why partner with us?

  • Years of experience with investing, constructing, and managing solar, wind, and hydro projects.
  • Providing complementary services — trading and energy management (PPA, green certificates...). 
  • Developing projects that create added value for our partners, clients, and communities.
  • Trustworthy and professional partner with a long-term vision on the projects.
  • Regional presence and experience in 7 markets of Southeast Europe.  
  • Interenergo is a member of the Austrian Kelag Group, renowned for more than 100 years of tradition in the energy industry.