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Energy Efficiency

Efficiency, savings, decarbonisation

We provide optimal solutions for improving energy efficiency for companies and municipalities. Experience, knowledge and innovation enable us to offer customized business models and energy solutions to meet the unique needs of each partner

Our team of experts work closely with customers to identify areas where energy savings and system performance improvements can be achieved. We develop comprehensive solutions that ensure the achievement of clients' objectives, whether they relate to cost efficiency, environmental or overall performance. 


  • Reliable savings: Our solutions bring you reliable and maximal energy and financial savings.
  • Expert and professional team.
  • Flexibility and tailor-made solutions:  By understanding our client’s business and sustainability needs and, as a technologically independent company, we design the best solution for individual organizations.
  • Innovation and reliability: To deliver the best possible economic and technical solutions, we keep up to date with innovations and dedicate our attention to the safety and reliability of solutions and technologies.
  • Environmental responsibility: When designing solutions, we always consider their environmental impact. We opt for technologies that are sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Facts and Figures

  • More than 40 implemented projects in SEE
  • Experience with industrial and commercial companies and the public sector
  • Annual energy savings from ES projects: 27 GWh
  • CO2 savings gained: 33.600 t


As a technologically independent company, Interenergo always strives to meet the needs and provide the best solution for our clients. Our highly skilled employees possess in-depth knowledge of various technologies, so they can advise on solutions in various fields.

Heat Production

Biomass boilers, steam boilers and district heating systems, heat pumps and waste heat recovery units.


Efficient indoor and outdoor LED lighting.

renewable energy production

Construction of solar power plants and renewable energy supply.

Cooling systems

Efficient refrigeration and cold storage units.

Our solutions

Industrial Companies
By tailoring energy services to suit your company's needs, we can assist you in enhancing your energy efficiency and achieving long-term savings. Our diverse range of business models allows us to provide services that best support your needs.
Our turn-key energy solutions provide long-term benefits, improving energy efficiency, financial savings, and reducing CO2 footprints. Our maintenance services ensure the installed system's upkeep, relieving your team.
Commercial companies
By understanding your business we provide turn-key energy services to improve energy efficiency, decrease energy costs, and for the contractual period also maintenance of your energy system.

Energy Contracting

District Heating System


PV Elan 1 

Technology: Rooftop Photovoltaik

Location: Slovenia

Installed capacity: 1,00 MWp

Status: in operation

Start-Up: 2022

As part of Elan’s strivings to achieve 100% energy self-sufficiency, we started a 6th group project which will significantly contribute to their green efforts.

PV Tuš 1

Technology: Rooftop Photovoltaik

Location: Slovenia

Installed capacity: 1,26 MWp

Status: in operation

Start-Up: 2023

With the new PV power plant, approximately 70% of the electricity produced would be consumed by Tuš itself, covering around one-third of their electricity needs.



The Serbian market was an important part of Interenergo's endeavors to enhance energy efficiency in the region in 2023.

In Partnership Towards ELAN's Green Transition

In collaboration with the Slovenian company Elan , Interenergo has successfully completed two new green transformation projects, thereby strengthening the already rich portfolio of sustainable projects for both companies.

Success Story

Award for the Educational-Development Project "Foundations of a Green Future"

Interenergo has, in collaboration with the Secondary School of Economics, Services, and Construction of the Kranj School Center, successfully implemented the project "Foundations of a Green Future — Educating SESGŠ Kranj Students on the efficient energy use."