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PV Elan 1

About the project

  • As part of Elan’s strivings to achieve 100% energy self-sufficiency, we started a 6th group project which will significantly contribute to their green efforts. 
  • We have installed 2,500 solar panels with a total nominal power of 1 MW and 1,060 MWh of expected annual electricity production on the roofs of the company, with an area of 5,000 m2.
  • With our collaboration through energy contracting, we have provided Elan with its own energy source at a time when all aspects of energy supply are volatile. 
  • They are also becoming greener and won’t have to spend time on operation and maintenance, thereby gaining more time for their core business.

Project Results and benefits

  • Increased energy self-sufficiency: 12%
  • Annual electricity production: 1,060 MWh
  • Annual CO2 savings: 500 t
  • Trees saved: 15,000