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Interenergo and Elan partnering toward a green transition

Through a long-term partnership that began in 2018 with the renovation of lighting in one of the production halls, Interenergo and ELAN have completed eight energy-efficient projects to date.

After the success of the first project, we continued our collaboration with projects such as the renovation of lighting in other production halls, the upgrade of the cooling system, the installation of the rooftop solar panels, and the renovation of the boiler room. These projects represent a significant step towards achieving ELAN's main sustainability goals: reducing the carbon footprint and improving energy efficiency while reaching self-sufficiency with energy from renewable sources.

Successful collaboration with Elan continued through the project into 2023. An additional 4,500 solar panels were installed on the company's roofs, which, together with the existing ones, will provide ELAN with an annual energy saving of 2,880 MWh, an annual carbon footprint reduction of 1,375 tons, and 30% self-sufficiency in electricity. In addition to the solar panels, the biomass boiler room was also completed, which, by replacing the old and inefficient system, will enhance the energy efficiency and reliability of the system. Additionally, the new heating system will enable ELAN to adhere to the principles of a circular economy, as the boiler room will use biomass and wood waste from production as fuel.

All projects are implemented under the energy contracting model, which allows ELAN to direct its resources and energy towards its core activities, while Interenergo takes on the investment and is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the installed energy systems during the contract period.

Take a look at the video showcasing this successful collaboration and see why partners across the region trust us in their green endeavors.